Thursday, June 26, 2008

At between RM120-140 a kg, this Lobster Salad dish is a whammy! Only large lobsters are used. The meat is removed from the shell and a fruit salad with a creamy salad sauce is added. The dish is chilled before serving. Pre-order is required.
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Anonymous said...

Uncle John can you also bring me there.I have not eaten FRESH Lobster since 2006 and I am crazing for it and Mama said it was really very nice*drooling*

john paul low said...

Poor thing, you - since 2006 - then, you have been missing out on some of the best things in life. Sure, I can take you there but the problem is, you have chosen to remain anonymous. Do you know that lobsters love to know specifically whose stomach they're going to land in :-)