Monday, June 30, 2008

The Thais love their grubs which is a good source of proteins. Lunch anyone?


Anonymous said...

Yucks this is giving me a creeps! I wouldn't want to try eating them haha but i was told that it is very tasty and extremely nutritious. But until i try eating one of those or else i will never know how they taste like =)

john paul low said...

Yan Jean, watch Channel 16 on cable TV for "Bizarre Food" and you will find that these fried crickets and grasshoppers are really more attrative to the eye and your palate than those presented TV.

I was watching this channel last night and they were eating live mangrove worms, probably about 20cm long, which were dipped into a special sauce. Wow, the worms were still creepy and alive. The host of the show, a Caucasian, said he enjoyed them - he swallowed three!