Saturday, June 28, 2008

Like a graphic compass the signpost points the uninitiated to various sights on the island of Pulau Ubin. 30-40 years ago, you had to find your way around with a reliable 1:25,000 topo map and Silva compass, but it was more fun and challenging then.


Inri iNri inRi Inri said...


Who is my compass to point the way when I need direction? Stand at the crossroads and look upwards to the North Star.


Anonymous said...

seems you just went there in June? so got any great shots in october again? i love the fisheye lens, hehe

john paul low said...

Hi Jane
The fish-eye lens can record very dramatic pictures, not least because of its very wide angle of at least 180 deg, but also because of its ability to present a convex perspective depending on how close or how far you are from your main subject.
One thing to remember is that one must not get one's feet into the picture.