Friday, June 27, 2008

The ostrich meat is grilled and ready for consumption. I would have loved to finished all 25 sticks and wash it down with Edinger beer. Cheers!


Anonymous said...

"I would have loved to finished [sic] all 25 sticks and wash it down with Edinger beer." Did I just spot a mistake from my only English teacher who never speaks ungrammatically? Please reply. I would really like to know!

john paul low said...

Well, well, you're sharp, aren't you? You know what English trs do sometimes? They deliberately plant an error in grammar, spelling or tenses to see if the 'world' is watching :-) or even listening :D
So, now you knew ... er . I mean 'know'. Since, you've spotted the the error, I will leave it uncorrected. You see, it's all your fault, right? I wilfully refuse to do my Corrections! Hope there's no Detention Class for me :)

Ressalinoliesta said...

HAHA. Wow you are super sharp huh?
Good work, you managed to spot the error. Thus it only mean that in N level you will get a 1 huh? ahah :)
Great explaination Mr low.



Anonymous said...

Haha... I'm flattered. Although, my grammar has been improving, I fear that my spelling has been deteriorating! Oh, teacher, please tell me what to do. Not just that. I think my memory has been failing too. Am I overreacting?

By the way, I used to have a couple of blogs before I actually closed them down. Since you've asked me to make one, I'm considering.

Anyway, I hope God will watch over you in times of adversity.

"Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it." -Hellen Keller

john paul low said...

Wow, I'm encouraged by Helen Keller's words. You see, you are already and most certainly taking a great leap forward in your language skills - using quotes is one indicator. Keep it up!