This is the right panel when you face the wayang stage. I went close and pointed my Nikon D100 upwards to emphasise the converging lines meeting at the top. the splash of orange and yellows against the dominant whites help trigger an active mind. Never a dull moment - wouldn't you say? But then again, this is Pulau Ubin.
Looking at the stairs leading up to the house set me thinking about long ago when I went to stay at one of our aunt's house in a kampong in Upper Serangoon. They reared poultry under the void and we children used to play there chasing chicken and scaring them. We had no worries about school work, no stress whatsoever and I wish children have a bit of time to enjoy their childhood
It's wonderful how even a worn out facade can trigger memories, nostalgic and sweet, etched in our deepest cerebral recesses for us to retrieve with a sigh of times past.
I remember the night-soil man who would come faithfully everyday to clear the outdoor latrines in the kampung. He was bow-legged as a consequence of years of toiling at the job which was deeply appreciated by the kampung folks then. He would dangle two black cast-iron pots at the end of a bamboo pole balanced expertly on his right shoulder. Those were the days in old Singapore when photography would have been more inspiring but it was expensive and digital cameras were not available then.
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