Wednesday, March 12, 2014

     My last post in 2011 seems like a decade ago. Spurred on by Pauline, who has been curious to read my blog, I tried several times to locate my blog without success - talk about 'out of sight, out of mind'. 

     The real motivation came this mid-afternoon when she called and pointedly said she had not been successful in locating my blog. It set me on a multi-platform search. Found it ... and the first thing I did was to provide my blogger ID to her using Whatsapp and half the time chatting to her on our office lines.

     In her excitement, Pauline noticed my last entry in 2011 on the 12 Lunar Year animal signs but mistook it for the 2014 version. We had a good laugh. 
     "Wah, how come you have Mahathir Mohamad in your blog?" she asked.
     I had provided HTML links to the blogs of some prominent political personalities (alliteration intended) - you can check them out. 
     She explored the Sungei Rengit and Cambodia photos and reminded me to help edit her Taiwan pictures, including her friends', and burn them into a cd. Sure thing, I'm on call anytime.
     Pauline was absent from last night's RCIA at Church of the Holy Cross in Clementi because she was just too tired to attend. That morning she had almost dozed off driving to work - an hour's journey. She wisely decided to give it a miss and rest at home. Fr Richards had touched on the birth and death of Jesus with the catechumens and she asked if these were available on Youtube. We found many episodes including full-length movies and even dramatised audio on Matthew's gospel, and watched two short clips - one on the birth of Jesus and the other, the death of Jesus on the Cross.  
     As Pauline starts out on her year-long-journey in RCIA, I'm committed to take that journey with her. God bless! 

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