Sunday, July 27, 2008

Opportunity Comes But Once

This photograph aptly demonstrates once again that rest stops can often provide not only the opportunity to recharge ourselves with the long-awaited stretch of our limbs, the call of nature or even a drink and snack, but also the precise moment to capture the all-evasive shot especially when the lighting is smack-on.

We had stopped in the middle of nowhere for the group to unwind after being cooped up for two hours or more in the coach. With my Nikon in hand, I had alighted and noticed that just across the road on the top of a knoll, a magnificent scene was bursting at its seams and inviting me to capture it. Capture it, I did, with a reduction of a 0.7 stop in the exposure compensation and spot metering since the scene was backlighted. As is my habit, I shot several frames using different exposures.

I like the way the tall weeds are highlighted against the darkened sky. The diagonal, silhouetted slope and trees adds an enigmatic touch to give it a perfect finishing. Wow!

1 comment:

Inri iNri inRi Inri said...

Dear JP,

Wow, indeed! How enigmatic a moment! I just wonder ... do we all appreciate such bare beauty?